Your privacy is our top priority!

  • We are GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant.
  • We require your personal information, i.e., name, email, gender, DOB, phone and address during the registration process.
  • We use this set of information provided by you for profiling, relevant survey identification, follow-ups, checking of duplicate/ repeat survey attempts by the participants, and issuing rewards to you.
  • Your information is shared with our clients, a third party (market research & product/service companies) ONLY when you give your consent. We ensure that our client delete your information from their database as soon as the purpose of research is met.
  • All your data is protected on a secured server, and as the survey participant, you have right to edit or delete it when you wish so by login in to your Surveyhub account.
  • The purpose to collect your genuine opinion, is to evaluate a product, brand performance, and/or services for future betterment.
  • For quality feedback from our members, we ensure that customer create only one account and participate in a survey only once. To check duplicate or robotic account by an imposter, we do track